Category: EECS: Computer Science and Engineering
Two-wheeled teacher
7,500 miles of riding, wrenching and coding.
Q&A with Mingyan Liu
The incoming electrical and computer engineering chair talks about her vision for the future.
Reflections on Telle Whitney Dow Lecture
We want all people, everywhere, to be at the table creating the technologies that will change our lives.
Zuckerberg Capitol Hill testimony: Engineering experts offer comments
U-M profs weigh new business model, European-style regulation
‘I hacked an election. So can the Russians.’
Professor Alex Halderman and the New York Times staged a mock election to demonstrate voting machine vulnerability.
CSE PhD student Matt Bernhard on the Facebook data breach
In this video, CSE PhD Student Matt Bernhard weighs in on the matter Facebook data harvesting, such as that done by Cambridge Analytica.
Chat tool simplifies tricky online privacy policies
Register for an account on just about any website or download an app to your smartphone and you likely will encounter that pesky, “I certify that I’ve read and understand the privacy policy,” check box. “Typically drafted by lawyers, these documents tell you, ‘This the information we’re collecting, this is how we’re processing it, this…
Internet-scanning U-M startup offers new approach to cybersecurity
Censys is the first commercially available internet-wide scanning tool. It helps IT experts to secure large networks with a constantly changing array of devices.
New $32M center reimagines how computers are designed
‘You shouldn’t need a Ph.D. to design new computing systems.’
Engineering students, teen create tech for the blind
A 17-year-old Ypsilanti high school student who is visually impaired worked with a software engineering class to develop technology that could make life easier for the blind.
Unhackable computer under development with $3.6M DARPA grant
The researchers say they’re making an unsolvable puzzle: ‘It’s like if you’re solving a Rubik’s Cube and every time you blink, I rearrange it.’
Net neutrality repeal: Michigan Engineers weigh in
On Dec. 14, the FCC will vote on the rules that today ensure internet service providers treat all web content equally.