Tag: Water Quality
An outstanding adviser
Lut Raskin honored for mentorship
New study finds inaccuracies in arsenic test kits in Bangladesh
About 25 million Bangladeshis face risks of developing skin lesions and cancers due to unsafe levels of arsenic in drinking water.
Affordable lead sensor for home, city water lines
EXPERTS: A new electronic lead sensor, potentially costing around $20, could keep an eye on home and city water quality, alerting residents and officials to the presence of lead within nine days. The University of Michigan researchers are seeking partners to bring the technology to market. The Flint water crisis showed the nation that old…
‘Missing lead’ in Flint water pipes confirms cause of crisis
The findings show how important uninterrupted corrosion control is in the aging water systems that serve millions of Americans.
Universities collaborate to examine Flint water filters
Researchers from the University of Michigan, Wayne State University and Michigan State University are conducting studies that are expected to provide additional guidance about the use of filters in Flint.
A $3M grant to turn urine into food crop fertilizer
Converting human urine into a safe fertilizer for agricultural crops is the goal of a new $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation.
Distinguished lecturer embarks on water quality talk tour
Nancy Love, professor of civil & environmental engineering, embarks on a year-long water quality talk tour as a distinguished lecturer for the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors Foundation.