Tag: Cindy Chestek
New sensation
Not only can research participants control a prosthetic hand with their minds—now they can begin to “feel” it, too.
Simple neural networks outperform the state-of-the-art for controlling robotic prosthetics
And that tracks with the way our motor circuits work—we’re not that complicated.
Individual finger control for advanced prostheses demonstrated in primates
An electrode array implanted in the brain predicts finger motions in near real time.
Carbon fiber brain-implant electrodes show promise in animal study
Material and size designed to give electrodes a chance to operate in the body for years.
How to make the robot revolution serve the people
In the midst of outfitting a new building, Michigan roboticists shape a world where robots empower, instead of imperil, our humanity.
‘It’s like you have a hand again’
An ultra-precise mind-controlled prosthetic.
$7.75M for mapping circuits in the brain
A new NSF Tech Hub will put tools to rapidly advance our understanding of the brain into the hands of neuroscientists.