Author: Nicole Casal Moore
Nobel Prize for ‘the most powerful laser pulses known to humanity’
At U-M, Gérard Mourou advanced ‘chirped pulse amplification,’ leading to more precise LASIK eye surgery and pushing the limits of optical science.
Joining forces to innovate the future of mobility
The U-M Transportation Research Institute and Michigan Engineering bring together their complementary strengths.
U-M faculty to pursue battery breakthroughs as part of nationwide initiative
Two Michigan Engineering professors are involved in ambitious research to develop next-generation batteries.
Hurricane Florence: U-M researchers forecast impacts
More than 2 million people could lose power, and flooding is the major concern for several reasons.
‘Carbon negative, dollar positive’
A new initiative aspires to turn a greenhouse gas into profitable products.
Beyond Moore’s law: $16.7M for advanced computing projects
DARPA’s initiative to reinvigorate the microelectronics industry draws deeply on Michigan Engineering expertise.
A breakthrough for large scale computing
New software finally makes ‘memory disaggregation’ practical.
‘I hacked an election. So can the Russians.’
Professor Alex Halderman and the New York Times staged a mock election to demonstrate voting machine vulnerability.
M-Air autonomous aerial vehicle outdoor lab opens
Michigan Engineering now hosts advanced robotics facilities for land, air, sea, and space.
Reconstructive surgery tech
Born in an engineering class, now the ‘arterial everter’ has been licensed to Baxter.
Cuba ‘sonic attacks’: A covert accident?
‘We’ve demonstrated a scenario in which the harm might have been unintentional.’
New $32M center reimagines how computers are designed
‘You shouldn’t need a Ph.D. to design new computing systems.’