Author: Gabe Cherry
How big data could optimize COVID-19 testing
Microsoft-supported project to coordinate site locations, supply distribution.
Technology that serves all: a single step could pave the way
A Q&A with Chad Jenkins.
Hunger and COVID: Fighting pandemic-related food insecurity in Detroit
Public policy and engineering team up to improve food access.
Turning faces into thermostats
An autonomous HVAC system could provide more comfort with less energy.
Spotlight: Data is life
Take a multimedia trip to the Amazon and meet the researchers who are working to understand how the future of the rainforest could affect us all.
How predictive modeling could help us reopen more safely
Graphical online simulation could spur more targeted COVID-19 protection measures.
Faster than COVID: a computer model that predicts the disease’s next move
Predictive model could help care providers stay safe, anticipate patient needs.
Delivery robots help Ann Arbor restaurants weather COVID
U-M startup says robotic food deliveries have quadrupled.
K-12 online learning platform from U-Michigan sees dramatic rise in use
Daily webinars available for teachers interested in exploring the free customizable tools.
Making wind power more predictable: A Q&A with Eunshin Byon
Predictive modeling could help power companies get more consistent output from renewables.
How much coronavirus testing is enough? States could learn from retailers as they ramp up
To control the coronavirus spread, the U.S. needs to get the most value out of the limited testing capacity it has.
Retooled computer science course goes all-COVID, all-online
Class seeks software solutions to COVID-19 problems.