In the news: Michigan Engineering experts May 30 – June 3
Highlights include The Washington Post, Science and the Detroit Free Press.
Highlights include The Washington Post, Science and the Detroit Free Press.
In The News
Washington Post
May 28
Alex Halderman’s voting security expertise is cited by CISA and informed its five-page advisory on election security. Halderman is a professor of electrical engineering and computer science.
MAy 31
Todd Allen discusses the role of nuclear energy in the world’s energy system. Allen is the Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Department Chair of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences and professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences.
May 31
Andrew Owens explains the significance of another research team’s approach to adversarial attack systems as a privacy method. Owens is an assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science.
Science News
June 1
Igor Jovanovic explains how non-invasive, neutrino-based methods of monitoring nuclear fuel on submarines could prevent rogue nations from creating weapons. Jovanovic is a professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences.
June 2
Wally Hopp explains how gaps in the U.S. health care system have been known for years, and now we’re forced to “scramble to cope with the crisis.” Hopp is a professor of industrial and operations engineering.
Detroit Free Press
June 3
Elliot Soloway co-authored an op-ed on the Collabrify Roadmaps Platform, which has free, year-long, standards-aligned curricula for K-5 created by Michigan teachers for use in this environment to teach English language arts, math, science, and social studies. Soloway is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of electrical engineering and computer science.