In the news: Michigan Engineering experts July 5-9
Highlights include The Verge and The Washington Post.
Highlights include The Verge and The Washington Post.
Washington post
july 5
Chris Ruf explains how researchers are using the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System to find where plastics enter the ocean. Ruf is the Frederick Bartman Collegiate Professor of Climate and Space Science.
The Verge
July 6
Huei Peng points out the risk in using new simulation techniques that could produce useless results. Peng is the Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the director of Micty.
The Conversation
July 9
Chris Ruf wrote in The Conversation that CYGNSS could help us track down the source of microplastics in the ocean and potentially inform future clean up efforts. Ruf is the Frederick Bartman Collegiate Professor of Climate and Space Science.