Tag: Computer Modeling
How big data could optimize COVID-19 testing
Microsoft-supported project to coordinate site locations, supply distribution.
Faster than COVID: a computer model that predicts the disease’s next move
Predictive model could help care providers stay safe, anticipate patient needs.
Making wind power more predictable: A Q&A with Eunshin Byon
Predictive modeling could help power companies get more consistent output from renewables.
U-M team to build synthetic neurons – first challenge in making synthetic cells
Seven U.S. research institutions look to build synthetic cells.
Rewriting the rules for supercomputers
Machine learning will teach the world’s fastest machines to work smarter, not harder.
Climate change: Why removing CO2 from the air isn’t enough
Switching to large scale renewable resources is the only way to curb extreme carbon capture costs.
Sustainable biofuel: Design principles for bioengineered microbe catalysts
The US has been stuck on corn kernels for producing ethanol, rather than woody “cellulosic” material. Efficient microbes for converting cellulose to biofuel could change the game.
A ‘decathlon’ for antibiotics puts them through more realistic testing
Surprise findings could upend the current drug discovery approach for treating one of the most dangerous hospital-borne infections.
Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses
Competition and cooperation, which regulate the strengthening and weakening of connections in the brain, can now be modeled directly.
The threat that never sleeps: Can science stop superbugs?
They never released the woman’s name. News articles and government reports that came out in early 2017, months after her death, referred to her as “a Northern Nevada woman,” “a female Washoe County resident,” or something similarly vague. Her killer, however, they didn’t miss that: Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Parse through those vowels and you’ll dig out the reason…
International Antarctic glacier study focuses on sea level changes
Bi-national study involving UM researcher will aid predictive models.
$6.25M MURI project will decode world’s most complex networks
New tools could fight crime, protect financial system