Category: Research
Breakthrough in green micro-LEDs for augmented/mixed reality devices
Prof. Zetian Mi’s team are the first to achieve high-performance, highly stable green micro-LEDs with dimensions less than 1 micrometer on silicon, which can support ultrahigh-resolution full-color displays and other applications.
How evolution overshot the optimum bone structure in hopping rodents
Bones that are separate in small jerboas are fully fused in large ones, but the bone structures that are best at dissipating the stresses of jumping are only partially fused.
$1.2M toward a curriculum for equity-centered engineers
Michigan Engineering is creating a framework for teaching how social problems impact engineering—and how engineers can fight inequality.
Seeing electron movement at fastest speed ever could help unlock next-level quantum computing
New technique could enable processing speeds a million to a billion times faster than today’s computers and spur progress in many-body physics.
Land use matters as communities cut carbon emissions
Communities will have varied tolerances for the acreage occupied by renewables. A new study quantifies the land needed for different options.
Flaring allows more methane into the atmosphere than we thought
The upside is that simple fixes will have a big impact
CEE receives NSF grant to support independent mobility in people with different physical abilities
Research seeks to empower end-to-end mobility.
Heat-resistant nanophotonic material could help turn heat into electricity
The key to beating the heat is degrading the materials in advance.
Shutting down backup genes leads to cancer remission, in mice
Cancer cells delete DNA when they go to the dark side, so a team of doctors and engineers targeted the “backup plans” running critical cell functions.
First light at the most powerful laser in the US
The ZEUS laser at the University of Michigan has begun its commissioning experiments
$5M to enable remote, next-generation autonomous vehicle testing at Mcity
‘Mcity 2.0’ will give researchers, many without testing resources, remote access to the Mcity Test Facility—creating a more equitable playing field in mobility.
Walking and slithering aren’t as different as you think
New mathematical model links up slithering with some kinds of swimming and walking, and it could make programming many-legged robots easier.