Category: Features
The box that rocked the universe
Meet the U-M researcher who helped pioneer the CubeSat—and a new era in space exploration.
This bot’s got game
Building a ball-chucking, bar-climbing, battle-ready robot in 72 hours.
Engineering tough
Michigan engineering alum Linda Zhang has the daunting task of bringing America’s bestselling vehicle into the electric age.
Remodeling the construction industry
Could human-robot collaboration revitalize an outmoded business model and attract new workers?
Answers Inc. – A brief history of U-M’s Space Physics Research Laboratory
For 75 years, SPRL has sent instruments skyward to help us better understand Earth, space, our sun and more.
Her fight for your rights
Could censorship end the internet as we know it? Not if Roya Ensafi can help it.
Prepping for the revolution
University of Michigan engineers are working to make our electrified future more equitable and avoid the mistakes of the past.
How to make the robot revolution serve the people
In the midst of outfitting a new building, Michigan roboticists shape a world where robots empower, instead of imperil, our humanity.
The Future of Lasers
Story by Colin Barras
A face that looks like mine
Engineering is a field that remains stubbornly white and male. NextProf is designed to change that.
We’re doing ethanol wrong
Is there a way to get biofuels right?