A different world, a different Michigan Engineer
The Michigan Engineer’s Fall 2020 issue is socially distancing and going digital-only.
The Michigan Engineer’s Fall 2020 issue is socially distancing and going digital-only.
It won’t surprise you to learn that things are not normal right now in The Michigan Engineer offices at the College of Engineering. The magazine team is working from our homes across the area to reduce on-campus density. There are so many things we miss about fall in Ann Arbor: seeing co-workers, hearing the falling water of the North Campus fountain, the crunch of acorns under our shoes as we walk across campus and the familiar crush of happy, chattering students. But maybe most of all, we miss putting together the print edition of The Michigan Engineer.
Your Fall 2020 Michigan Engineer has gone online
In light of the pandemic, the College is deploying its resources to provide the best possible educational experience for students, and to support our students in need. As a result, we decided to move the Fall 2020 Michigan Engineer to online-only. With so many of the College’s resources dedicated to keeping campus as safe as possible and helping the world fight COVID-19, we felt we should do our part to conserve.
Same great stories, without the ink and paper
While we miss the feel of the printed piece in our hands, we’ve never been more proud of an issue. Because it shows that, even as the world changes, the work of Michigan Engineers continues. Working through challenges is a part of being bold and daring. It is how we develop the grit, resilience and adaptability the engineering field needs. We’ve never been more pleased to help tell the story of the students, professors and others who are working harder than ever to serve the common good.
Stay in touch by updating your email
Don’t worry—The Michigan Engineer is scheduled to resume its regular print schedule starting with the Spring 2021 issue. In the meantime, we want to make sure we keep you up to date on all that’s happening here. While the College has your mailing address, we are actually missing many email addresses. Please share your email address with us.