Michigan Engineering News

Nexus at Michigan Engineering prepares to launch new Cybersecurity professional certificate program

As COVID-19 drives a deeper digital skills gap, Michigan Engineering enables students.

Written by Katharine Lucic, HackerU

Nexus at Michigan Engineering is partnering with HackerU, the world’s premier cybersecurity and digital skills center of excellence, to launch a new online Cybersecurity Professional Bootcamp. The bootcamp will help transform lives by enabling working professionals to break into a cybersecurity career in less than one year.

According to Mingyan Liu, Peter and Evelyn Fuss Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan Engineering, “As worldwide lockdowns have forced more businesses and social life online, companies are relying even more heavily on technology — and the need for skilled tech talent is growing. The Cybersecurity Professional Bootcamp, powered by HackerU, is generating qualified candidates who are increasingly needed to fill the growing demand in the digital workforce.”

Students at Michigan Engineering, and members of the Ann Arbor community, now have access to a 30 hour introductory course as well as over 400 hours of curriculum tailored to today’s job market. The cybersecurity program will position certificate recipients with the skills to be highly employable and competitive in today’s quickly growing tech field.

“Our partnership with Nexus reflects our shared mission to provide innovative learning opportunities to students who want to build connections and adapt to the rapidly changing world,” said HackerUSA’s CEO, Ayal Stern. “We’re excited to serve Michigan’s robust workforce by empowering them with the technical and digital education they need to establish meaningful, modern and sustainable careers and take a bold step forward in their profession.”

Nexus, Michigan Engineering’s home for online and professional education, will offer the Cybersecurity Professional Bootcamp to be responsive to learners and to the workforce development needs in the state of Michigan. There is a reason the University is launching its Cybersecurity Professional Bootcamp. Based on FBI and Insurance Information Institute data, Michigan was ranked No. 1 in cybercrime complaints with 201.89 per 100,000 population.

The need for cybersecurity professionals represents a wide gap in the world’s digital skills workforce. According to (ISC)2, an industry-leading organization that focuses on training and certifications for cybersecurity professionals, there is a worldwide shortage of 4.07 million qualified cybersecurity specialists. These jobs represent gainful opportunities for qualified individuals, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Michigan Engineering always works to provide programs that propel our students into meaningful careers, especially during this time when unemployment is top of mind due to the pandemic,” says Diane Landsiedel, Executive Director of Nexus, Michigan Engineering’s home for online and professional education. “That is why we are so excited to announce our partnership and collaboration with HackerU, a leading provider of digital skills-based training. The level and quality of their delivery, content, and experiential training is above anything we have seen, as is their commitment to student outcomes.”

HackerU is committed to providing excellent training and outcomes, as well as value to the community through their partnership with Nexus. “We have three North Stars”, said Dan Vigdor, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of HackerU. “One, University satisfaction, we make sure the institution is happy by catering to their specific needs, aligning with their values and principles, and ensuring positive outcomes. The second being student satisfaction and retention, making sure the learner is well trained, ready for the job market, and to help him/her find a job. And third, impact. We want to have an impact on society. In light of the current pandemic, unemployment is so rampant with millions of people unemployed. Enabling and re-skilling the people of Michigan into the jobs of the future is a main priority of Michigan Engineering, and it’s one of HackerU’s as well. We are aligned and thrilled to be making an impact together.”

About Nexus at Michigan Engineering

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Nexus is the home for online and professional education at the University of Michigan College of Engineering, offering innovative programs that meet the needs of lifelong learners worldwide. In addition to the College’s portfolio of top-ranked online degrees and professional certificates, Nexus provides access to a broad range of online, face-to-face, and hybrid courses and programs that create more accessible pathways to a Michigan Engineering education.

About HackerU

The accelerated programs powered by HackerU help reskill and upskill students in today’s fast-growing, digital economy. With over a decade of experience as the world’s premier, digital skills and cybersecurity education provider, HackerU works with top-tier academic institutions, government organizations and global enterprises to offer advanced, workforce and professional development programs in digital technology.

For more information about our programs, visit https://digitalskills.engin.umich.edu/ or www.hackerusa.com