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cultureXchange: Celebrating diversity through shared experience

We all want to have a climate that encourages us to be ourselves and feel celebrated.

Portrait of Lyonel J Milton,
Lyonel J Milton, Managing Director of the Center for Engineering Diversity & Outreach (CEDO), speaks at the cultureXchange. Photo: Joseph Xu

Lyonel Milton has leadership responsibilities for all Center for Engineering Diversity & Outreach programs and contributes to all Michigan Engineering diversity and inclusion initiatives.

We all want to have a climate that encourages us to be ourselves and feel celebrated. We can’t forget what diversity really means— it should be a celebration of a community full of talented, colorful personalities and a variety of cultures and viewpoints.

As the Managing Director of the Center for Engineering Diversity & Outreach, I can speak firsthand to inspiring yet intense work of implementing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan. It is challenging and interesting to make it happen, and I’m constantly motivated by the knowledge that this work will have an impact on students, faculty and staff for years to come.

Yes, we’ve come a long way. But we have a way to go before our campus is inclusive for all students. That needs to happen, and our team is passionate about ensuring that North Campus is an uplifting place to learn, research and teach for everyone.

At Michigan Engineering, our students come from all 50 states and 43 countries. In honor of this diversity, this year we—in unison with all the schools on North Campus—are hosting a cultureXchange (pronounced “culture exchange”). Come enjoy this event on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 form 5-8PM in the Duderstadt Connector & Stamps Auditorium.

The cultureXchange is for our entire North Campus community, including Michigan Engineering, Stamps School of Art & Design, Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning, and the School of Music, Theatre & Dance. I’m excited about this opportunity for every member of our community to have a chance to express themselves, try new foods, and watch talented performers from around the world.

Media Contact

Jennifer Judge Hensel

Executive Director, Communications & Marketing

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